Illustrated: Bowling


I have no idea what my 2 years old was picturing when he said that “without a mommy and a daddy, bowling would be VERY dangerous.”  But it cracked me up. And now I can’t believe it has been almost 3 years since we took our kids bowling! We’re going to have to remedy that.

Here’s a cool trick for bowling with toddlers: the bowling alleys often have a ramp/stand thing that is usually used to assist bowlers in wheelchairs. You just put the ball on the ramp, aim it at the pins, and let the toddler push the ball down the ramp.

But, no Lord of the Flies style bowling. Very dangerous. Your toddlers should probably also be supervised during miniature golf and carousal rides.  Because apparently the toddlers think that parental supervision is an option at these sorts of things!  As much as I would enjoy an afternoon to myself son, I will not be dropping you off at the bowling alley for an afternoon of dangerous bowling. So, no worries dude!

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