You Are My Mother

You Are My Mother—–
This conversation was, of course, a product of the number of times we have read P.D. Eastman’s classic Are You My Mother–definitely a favorite in our house.  I just love how this conversation shows the logic of a nearly 3 year old.

(As soon as the conversation was over–almost 2 years ago, I wrote down as much as I could remember verbatim on the back of a receipt. After finishing up the comic featuring a 3-year-old Edgar, I realized that the date on the receipt suggests he was probably still 2–but almost 3. So, I’m not going to fix that. But, really, he was still 2.)

Anyway, I LOVE the logical leaps. Batgirl doesn’t have a nose (?!), dogs don’t have arms or fingers, and–the best–that if he is Edgar, then I must be his mom. Love it!

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